If you can't save your national animal what else can you save?

If you can't save your national animal what else can you save?
I have done my part for saving nature. Now, it's your turn

Monday, March 30, 2015

It's More than just tiger awareness

If you can't save your national animal, what else can you save???

The program is not just about tiger awareness, but it tell you more about what simple things can spoil the habitat of wildlife!


Dear Parents,
Let your kids learn something useful this summer! This is a free awareness program for children to learn about our national animal.

The program includes
  • ·        Screening a documentary film on tigers
  • ·        Quiz on wild life
  • ·        Drawing/painting/collage/ slogan writing
  • ·        Discussion session

What your kid learn?

  • ·        Habitat of tigers
  • ·        Conservation of wildlife

This program is conducted to spread awareness and NO FEE will be collected.
Program starts from 6th April’15
Limited seats are available per screening so please call to confirm.

                                                                                             For Registration please contact                                                                                                                 Maithily.A                                                                                                                                                  09444525353                                                                                                                                              A.maithily@gmail.com

Spreading the word to others regarding tiger awareness program in Mangalore

As a first step of spreading awareness to children in Mangalore, I have used the help of social media to spread the word and have targeted few pages on facebook. Though there are many facebook pages who neglected my idea of free awareness program, there are admins of few pages, who were kind enough to publish the news article on their facebook pages and attracted some viewers. 

Facebook did not help me like how I expected it to work. There were few inquiries about the program and there were a lot of people who were interested to know more about myself rather than the program. I appreciate everyone who replied back and commented on my posts in facebook pages, but I would be glad if it reaches the right people who would be benefited with this awareness program.

Tiger Awareness in Mangalore

As a tiger enthusiast, I planned to create awareness among children in Mangalore and have planned for a free tiger awareness program in Mangalore at my place. Hope that the program goes well and it reaches many young children and make a difference!